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Annabelle - Horror Movie 2014

ANNABELLE - Horror Movie 2014
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Genre : Horror
Annabelle - Horror Movie 2014
Starring : Annabelle Wallis,Ward Horton,Alfre Woodard
Production : New Line Cinema
Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures
Release dates : October 2, 2014
Budget : $5 million
Box office : $2,100,000

Story of Annabelle Horror Movie 2014

In the early 1960s, the young couple married John Form (Ward Horton) and Mia (Annabelle Wallis) live a family life very pleasant. Moreover, his wife, Mia was pregnant. They were both very excited waiting for the birth of the first baby. Living in suburban area clean and quiet making them also preparing for the birth of their children very well. 

Before birth, Mia has a request to John, the little boy doll rare women who wear white wedding gowns. Mia is a hobby with a doll. Basically he also has a lot of similar dolls in the room had his candidate. But, John finally get the doll and gave it to Mia as a gift. 

Unfortunately, on the night she bought the doll there creepy and unexpected events happen to them. Their next-door neighbor, namely Pete Higgins (Brian Howe) and Sharon Higgins (Kerry O'Malley) was killed by a cult follower lovers, one of which turned out to be their own daughter, Annabelle Higgins. The couple also attacked the home of John and Mia. Fortunately, the police quickly came to save them both.
The couple killer was dead at the scene. It's just the way they die is different between the one and the other. The boy died from being shot by police while being attacked John and Mia. While Annabelle Higgins died slit his own throat while holding John bought a new doll for Mia. Annabelle's death apparently left a mystery in which the spirits of curiosity entered and settled in the doll. 

From where Mia began to feel strange happenings in it. He began to be disturbed by Annabelle with various keusilannya. The most severe is when the ghost of Annabelle turning on the stove makes the house on fire Mia. Mia was almost becoming a victim, fortunately the neighbors who deftly managed to help him and take him to the hospital.

Review of Annabelle Horror Movie 2014
For you fans of horror movies, the film is highly recommended to watch. Why? many factors that support it. For example, in terms of the story, you will know the history of the doll Annabelle is in the film The Conjuring (2013). 

In addition, the design is admirable Annabelle doll itself is made ​​gives the impression of lurid maximum. Without knowing the doll inhabited by the spirits of curiosity had already looks very creepy. Moreover, in Annabelle doll in this film was always conditioned to sit alone in silence and darkness in the room. Surely you will be able to imagine such a horrible experience what would be felt while watching this movie. 

The director John R. Leonetti also quite successful climax condition the creepy atmosphere through the sounds of music that suddenly hardened and objects floating in the air. The game camera was pretty much a surprise-surprise surprise, especially when the appearance of the devil and the devil is in the movie appears. The doors of the house and the room suddenly snaps closed sert itself you will also find in this film. 

So, overall most felt while watching Annabelle is intense tension. After the apparent conflict in the film, the more and the 'light' is also strange events or appearance that appears.

Trailer of Annabelle Horror Movie 2014

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